C.C-D Art Services 

Art & Paper Conservation by Camilla Camus-Doughan

Conservation Consultation

Sometimes it’s easier to have a conversation –

To take some time where you can ask about your artwork, issues affecting its condition and how they can be remedied.

The Conservation Consultation is an in person assessment of an artwork in situ, wether that be in your home, storage space or where your artwork or collection is displayed.

During which visit potential issues with your pieces and informal advice for treatment will be discussed.

The consultation can later be followed up with a condition report should you want a record of the issues affecting your artwork, and/or a quote for the extent of treatment needed.

The Conservation Consultation is priced at £115.

To request a condition report for any piece please complete our request form or get in touch!

An Ink drawing of a guava after conservation grade framing at Kew gardens by Camilla Camus-Doughan. And a hand with paintbrush extended for conservation treatment by C.C-D Art Services.